Friday, October 31, 2008

The most beholdened man on the planet

The president of the US has generally been considered the most powerful man in the US. I disagree. Seeing as millions of people (in election 2004 that would be 50 million) elect the president, he is working for them. Fifty million bosses. I would say the president is the lowest man on any totem pole, anywhere.

Maybe we should let him wear jeans to work...

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I've got your old browser support right here

Supporting old browsers removes incentive to upgrade. Along the way we may alienate a few people - and I feel bad for them, really I do - but they obviously made bad choices in their lives. Why should I suffer on their behalf?

The following browsers suck too much and are too old to warrant support*:

  • IE5/Mac

  • IE5.5 and below/Windows

  • Netscape 4

  • Netscape 6/7 (really weren't bad browsers, but do you have installations of either in which you test your web sites? You do? Well, you suck.)

Anyone building a web site who consciously strives for backward compatibility with any of the above browsers is an asshole. And if you are seeking web site expertise from someone who claims backward compatibility with any of these browsers, please report them to me and I will see they are dealt with severely.

Thank you.

*Opera 4/5 should be added to this list, but I haven't used them.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Random Mental Detritus

Landfills = littering by proxy

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Your mom is so fat...

...she rolled over in New York and woke up in California.